
January 11, 1981, was a very special date... that unforgettable day the company GA Technologies was founded. The beginning was not easy; Like all entrepreneurs, he had to go through an arduous path to make his dreams come true: defend an innovative idea; To swim against the current; and open a niche in the market…
The beginnings of this company file organization and storage, were not exempt from problems, frustrations and obstacles. At that time, it was a pioneering project that offered some totally unknown services in the market; and no one believed in this novel concept: Hire a company that will take care of the organization, storage and maintenance of the files.
In 1981, this was an original, revolutionary... and unknown service. For this reason, selling the service was not easy... after all, companies were not so liberal as to let “an stranger shuffled their papers”. In fact, there is an anecdote from one of the founders who tells that the main argument for rejection was that companies refused to share their information with strangers. Until one day, he argued, "And what is the difference between delivering the papers and delivering the money to a bank?"
Our beginnings are an example of the power of ideas; of the power that has observation and analysis to generate a solution to a problem; and the power they have the intuition and the conviction that this idea will work.
With a lot of work, commitment and vision of the future, the company was growing and evolving with the times; and from being a pioneer company in offering its services, it ended up becoming a respectable company that knew how to earn the trust of its customers.
And with this difficult start it was like GA Technologies began to write its history. Along the way, interest in automation of the information and the technology…and the rest is history.
Among the most important milestones of the achievements obtained we can mention a few...
In 1991, the first system he developed was born, the SCAV software, a Enterprise Content Manager (ECM).
In 2013, it was created AIRE scav, which offered new applications and the advantage of work in the cloud.
Creation of new solutions friendly, intelligent and customized, for the resolution of specific problems.
Incorporation into the AIRE scav System of new technologies, such as the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation(RPA).
creation of System Modules, for the resolution of specific problems: the “GEDI module”, the “Storage Online module”, the "SMEs Module" and the “RPA”.
What started as a business of organization and storage of archives, evolved to become a company of Enterprise Content Management. Finally, one day he decided to change course to share his knowledge and experiences with other companies. And thus the figure of the Technological Ally in Enterprise Content Management.
We have come a long way in the development of innovative solutions and in the integration of new technologies applied to the Enterprise Content Management. At GA Technologies we are committed to continue developing products and solutions that adapt to real needs and changing times.
Yes; we have had the opportunity to live unforgettable moments, full of hard work and great expectations. And that is why we are proud of what we have done…

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“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible…
and suddenly you find yourself doing the impossible.”
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